Rocking C
Welcome to Rocking C Miniature Horse Ranch! Located between San Antonio and Austin in the beautiful rolling hills of the Texas Hill Country, our ranch raises precious miniature horses. Most of our horses are raised as therapy animals to be used in counseling or to assist individuals with disabilities.
Therapy miniature horses hold a special place in our hearts, because of the impact they had on our youngest daughter Abby when she was battling cancer. Diagnosed with Leukemia when she was 5, Abby was in and out of the hospital for almost 3 years before going into remission. During this time, she was often confined to a hospital bed and missed out on many of the simple joys that make childhood so magical. Her spirit seemed crushed by the weight of her illness, until she one day had a visitor named Sir Lancelot, a miniature therapy horse from Fairytale Farms, making the rounds at the children’s hospital. Seeing Abby interact with Sir, we saw the spirit of our little girl light up in a way that it hadn’t since before she got sick. Sir Lancelot came back to the hospital once every few weeks with his handler and during his absence, Abby would talk excitedly about Sir, draw and paint pictures of him, and create little wreaths for him to wear. My husband and I believe that Sir played a major part in getting Abby through her treatments and giving her hope of one day being well.
After she was released from the hospital for the final time, Abby was distraught that she would no longer get to see Sir Lancelot on a regular basis. As a family, we had likewise grown attached to Sir, and contemplated making a serious life change to accommodate having a small horse as a member of the family. Packing up our house in the city, we selected a lot in the country with plenty of acres to raise small animals. Our first acquisition was a horse we named Tiny Tim. One horse eventually turned into hundreds as our obsession with these tiny and fascinating creatures grew. With about 50 horses on our farm at any given time, many we raise to sell, but about 20 of them are permanent fixtures of the family. Our “Therapy Troop” of 20 horses, adored by children and adults alike, bring joy to a multitude of those in need of a smile. Along with a group of certified handlers, we take the horses to nursing homes, hospitals, and events across the state, always remembering what a blessing Sir Lancelot originally was to our family and hoping to bless others in the same way.